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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Still moving in.

Well we are finally in our new place. It's been a week today! I love being here so much. I just wish that I could get all the boxes put away. hopefully by tomorrow they will be. After all the boxes are put away then I can start decorating. Thats the part that I am way super excited for. :) I'm going to have one cute house when I am done! :) My goal is to have it all clean by my birthday. So we'll see if by Monday it is all done. Now that i am starting to feel better i'm sure it will be easier to get up and do things. Between that and some work for Janet, it'll be fun.

Spencer is huge from where he started, but still so teeny... He's adorable and I love him so so much! I can't even remember what it was like without him. Derek loves coming home to him and his smiles too. It melts my heart to see them together. :)

Since being pregnant my body has gone through its own roller-coaster. I am officially lighter than I was in high school and keep losing weight that I don't have to lose... Some people may be jealous and think I should be grateful but honestly it's a curse right now...Seriously I am approx. 104 pounds. I feel like i look sickly but theres nothing I can do about it...Bummer. I am STARVING all the time. No matter how much I eat. an hour later it's like I never ate at all. Kinda Dumb because i don't have the time to eat all day with a little munchkin. I have been told its because I am breast feeding. Lovely.

My Psoriasis has also gotten like 40x worse than it was too. I am really embarassed about it because honestly who likes having arms and a scalp covered in white/red patches. Its NOT attractive. :( But that is how Heavenly Father made me and I can't do anything about it while I am Breast feeding, because the cream used to treat it has sterroids in it that can go to the bloodstream. So i'm stuck with it getting worse for a while. Or I can stop breast feeding. which would solve a lot of my problems. I know Spencer will take a bottle, because we've had to do formula for a little while right now while I'm sick. No one told me that Sudafed reduces your milk supply...hence my son eating and still being hungry. Yeah so this cold has been wonderful for me. I've been toying with the option of stopping...but i can't ever get myself to actually stop. So for now, I will continue doing both and see how it all goes. Being able to drink milk and eat Ice Cream again would be FANTASTIC though. :)

Now enough about that. I have been looking at some people's blogs and they seem so interesting!! I hope it doesn't make me a boring person because I can't come up with creative things like that. haha! then again, I'm a mom. I don't need an exciting life anymore. There is never a dull moment at my house. :)

Holding his head up high. He wants to be crawling so bad!!
This boy is so sweet!!!!!
One of my all time favorites. Priceless!!

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