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Sunday, August 19, 2012

I know...I'm Awesome!

Well lets just say I have officially been able to put writing off until the very last minute. Procrastinating again. :) Lots has happened since my last uh...Baby hungry post! ha. To start, ironically, we found out that we are pregnant! haha After trying for about 5 months we finally were able to! It has been a long journey since then! I am almost 8 weeks along and sicker than I'd like to be. This is a never ending nausea that haunts me morning, afternoon, and night time. I have absolutely no relief unless I am asleep. It is completely awesome!! But I can't complain. I mean I new this would happen and I was ready for it! (Was is the key word there) ha hopefully only one more month and things will start to go back to normal for us. I still can't believe that in about 7 months I will be a mom of two! This is crazy talk! But I also know it is what I should be doing. Nothing in the world makes me happier than my family. I'm not perfect, we as a family aren't perfect, but we are giving it our all and learning as we go on! It's all part of the adventure we are on.

Spencer's milestones for the month are:
1. Saying mom!! Yay!!
2. Learning how to open our doors. Perfect right?? There goes all privacy and thank heavens for door locks!
3. Learned how to climb onto the furniture and fall off! he does both all day long and has fun scaring me to death.
4. He learned that if he screams really loud and high, it  makes a funny noise. He learned it also makes mom freak out a little when it happens during sacrament meeting. Haha
5. He figured out how to pop the glass open on our entertainment center where all our dvds are hidden. He also learned that when he pops the cd's out of the cases it makes a loud pop. Here goes the age of dvd's getting ruined. HA

I've also recently started writing 5 things I have been most thankful for each day. To sum up the last two or three days I've written:
  • 1. Spencer cut another tooth finally! 2. I haven't felt like death today. 3. I have awesome family that bring me cravings when I want it. 4. Fafsa has started coming in which means paying off some more debt! 5. The weather is amazing today!