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Monday, July 23, 2012

Busy Baby

Oh My Gosh. Can I just say that I am so baby hungry its not even funny. Why is it that when your youngest child starts acting toddler-ish, that you think oh, I miss having a baby. Not logical right?? Ha Instead we should be thinking wow yeah that stage was nice, but think of how much harder it will be with two. BUT NO! Here I am. Wanting that teeny snuggly baby in my arms. Wanting the experience and the joy that these little rascals bring. I have learned so much about myself and about children in the past year. I love that it doesn't take long for them to learn things and to start copying you. Scary. Time for me to change up my act a little bit. I just can't wait till the timing is right so that we can enjoy another sweet angel in our home. But in the mean time. Baby hungry--go away. There's no time for you right now!

I have been so busy, trying to keep up with my house, a little Tasmanian Devil, and all my hobbies (you know tv, books, eating: the good stuff). I've had a lot of fun trying recipes from pinterest. I can honestly say in the last month I have used 5 food recipes, I made my own laundry detergent that I love, I have cleaned our shower curtain, I have been hanging pictures on my walls like a mad woman, and  I have started a few tricks to help potty training go smoother later. The potty training thing this early was a great experience the first time, but not since! Haha I read that if you start introducing it while they are young it isn't scary later, so when Spencer starts to poop, to let him finish on the potty. Awesome right?? Well I now get to say that he pooped in the potty for the first time! Ha I'm gonna go with coincidence though. Hasn't happened in weeks since. Oh well. I love trying new things. If you guys have any fun things that you have tried lately, I'd love to hear them! :)