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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I'm probably the worst blogger ever. Haha! I feel like I haven't had time for anything lately! So I'll squeeze in a few words as I eat my lunch today! :) well this pregnancy has been way better than my last one! I've still have sick days but they are becoming further apart which has been so helpful! Along with the zofran! Life is good!

Spencer is still cute as ever but has the personality of a three year old. Tantrums galor, screaming at the top of his lungs just because its fun, and many more things. Problem is? This boy refuses to talk! I'm not worried about his development because he is doing everything else amazingly! He still is able to communicate just wont use his words to do so! Ha except for dog. He says that word 836 times a day it feels like! Haha talking or not I love him just the same! I love how sweet he is when he comes and watches a movie curled up next to me! He may not have been a cuddly baby but he's made up for it with how he is now. Me and Derek both love it. :)

Our other exciting news about baby #2! It's a girl! We were pretty sure that it was before the ultrasound and boy were we right! There she was in all er glory! The little stinker wouldn't hold still for anything! Ha it was cute! I'm so so thankful to my dr for letting us do it a week early! It was a fun surprise for our families to show them the DVD of baby girl! Now the fun begins with trying to pick a name, and helping organize baby shower and resisting the temptation to buy all things girl. Man I am stoked!!! If this one doesnt look like me. I've decided I'm going to accept the fact that all of our children will look like Derek. Which is fine with me. :) I think he's pretty handsome! ;) I'm just so excited!

At the dr yesterday first of all, I gained 4 pounds! You all can laugh at me now but with how much I weighed from being sick, this is a HUGE accomplishment! I have never in my life gained 4 pounds in one month. Felt pretty good. ;) on my way to being a normal weight instead of lighter than most jr high kids! Lol and second of all, my dr said we can expect to meet her a couple weeks early if we choose by getting membranes stripped again if we choose! It's very tempting seeing as I don't really want to be in the hospital on Easter weekend. :) we are going to hope for somewhere around march 22! I'm happy with anytime but basically if we go by this date. I'm halfway done! Haha time to save up to buy me my hypnobabies book! Gotta prepare better this time!

Thanks for all the love and support! We are stoked and can't wait for some of the upcoming milestones!! :)