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Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Hubs

It never occurred to me just how much husbands do for their families!
I mean I always knew they did a lot based off of what I saw in my dad, but I saw how many things my mom juggled and though, oh there is no comparison! Mom's do so much more...
Well I've come to reality and although moms do a lot, dads in general work harder.

The best way that I can describe it is that mom's have the emotional job of nurturing children, of being all the different kinds of occupations, making sure the pantries are stocked and that the bills are paid on time. Men on the other hand have a more strenuous job. At least my husband does at least...

I have hard days where I am tired and Spency won't stop crying and I have to constantly be entertaining...Its not fun some of the time. But as I see Derek head to school 5 days a week at 7 a.m. and then go straight to work till 7 p.m. I can't help but think how blessed I am to have a hard working husband who does what he can support me and baby boo. I know having a weekend off would be nice, but as long as he's working at Discount, its not going to happen. So while I have a 24/7 job. He has a 40 he week/6 days a week job and full time school. I am able to pass off the baby when I need a break. I can go places and enjoy my days whether good or bad! My husband is confined to his daily routine. I know that it will all be better once he finishes school though.

The reason I say this, isn't to complain. I know we aren't wealthy. I know that sometimes I feel like a single mom. But I also know that My husband is working his butt off for me. He's doing it because he loves me. I wouldn't ask for anything other than that. I love by best friend and husband. I'm glad i am married to him. ;)

Saturday, October 1, 2011


As I sit and think about how my life is going, I can't say that I am overly thrilled. Nothing has gone how I had planned school, work, my family, finances, my beliefs... I had this idea of how I wanted my life to go. I knew exactly what I wanted and had goals set. And then one day BAM everything changed. Needless to say, I wasn't ready. I wanted more time to adjust. But that isn't how God saw it. He made things happen how he thought they should go. So I went with it. I tried to be as happy as I could be. To make the best of it all. And now?? I'm here. I wouldn't trade my life for anything! I have the most handsome son anyone could ask for. I have the most wonderful husband who drops everything if I need his help. I have been blessed in our finances and even though we are still living more frugally than most, we still make it. We pay the bills every month. We have food on the table and through everything I am glad I had the faith to go where I didn't want to, to take risks I never thought I could. My life is full of emotions. Some good and some bad. But that is part of life! I need to be the best mother and wife that I can be. To raise some of the best children. ( hopefully)

Today I found some baby pictures of my family that explain some looks. Haha