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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Life just happened, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Nothing like falling off the blogging world for a  little while. Here's the scoop. We had our baby girl! I guess its finally time I write about the birth and how AMAZING it all went! No worries. No gross details. :) So I had my membranes stripped twice. Twice this time. And nothing. It did absolutely nothing this time. Talk about a disappointment! So we tried everything we heard about to get Kelsie out. Tons of walking. Squats, I spent days on an exercise ball, pressure points, and "hubby time". Why was nothing working?? Of course it would be because she didn't want to be out yet. Which is fine, except I wasn't taking no for an answer. The morning of March 26th, the contractions started about every 10 minutes and stayed that way for about two hours and from there it only got closer and stronger! But strangely I was rocking the contractions! I used the hypnobirthing techniques and let me tell you it was bomb. Still not easy taking care of an almost two year old while having contractions every few minutes though, so my mom came over to help me. Around 1 p.m. they got to 1-2 minutes apart and they were pretty strong but honestly I was still talking and laughing through most of them. It was soooo odd. Totally different experience than with Spencer! But since they were so close, my mom told me I probably should call Derek to come home just in case. So I did and no joke he said, " Okay do I have time to finish a few things here at work??" So I let him and didn't tell him how close they were Until he got home at 2 p.m. and from there I told him I still didn't feel terrible but when I called my OB, she was already at the hospital so the front desk told me I should just go in and that they would make sure I was admitted. So we went and in triage, they checked me and sure enough I was dilated to a 6!! A 6 and still smiling and talking. It was great, but I made the decision to get the epidural and the main reason I did was because my MIL and 2 SILs would be in the room with me, so I thought it would be better than swearing profanities while they were there. ;) From there everything happened so fast! by 6:30 I was ready to push and within 5-10 minutes of pushing she was out!! So perfect and beautiful. I was in love. I'm so grateful for the better birthing experience this time. No episiotomy, No tearing, recovery was a breeze, and I was lifting and walking normal the next day! Now that I've had it both ways, I hope the rest stay easy. ha!! But really having Kels has been the best. She is an absolutely perfect baby. So happy all day and always so full of life! We have had our challenges with her, being in the hospital twice and it taking 6 months of waking up 5+ times a night to finally get her sleeping through the night, but I finally feel like we're at a good place! Sorry it has taken so long to write about her and how wonderful she is. Every day I thank God for her. She is my best friend. I laugh with her, I cry with her, She makes me better. I'm starting to feel like I'm finding the joy in being a mother. Sad to say it's taken this long, but I'm so glad I do get to enjoy it. I love my Spencer and Kelsie.