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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Big Decisions...

Why is it that grown ups have to make so many decisions??? I feel like everything involving a baby is a huge deal because the decisions are all based on me. Not in a selfish way either. If i make the wrong choice then the consequence can affect me, baby or both me and him... I want to go shopping for my son and to get bottles, there's the choice 4 oz, 8 oz, the drop in kind, or the ones like breast feeding. For pacifiers, diapers, wipes, clothing, bouncers, everything involves decisions on me. And nothing is worse than buying something and having him allergic to it or him not like it. Because then it becomes a waste of money...And i NEVER want to waste money. Ha although sometimes i get in the mood where I just want to shop...i've learned to hold back though. Needs over wants for now.

As i sit here writing this though, I look over and see him smiling. not at me, at his favorite spot on the wall. He talks to that same spot, multiple times a day. It makes all the grumpy times he has (because he won't go to sleep) so worth it. The way he gets excited about what ever it is he's looking at. Lets just say ADORABLE! in the time its taken me to type this he's been doing it. Hopefully I can get a video on here soon of it. Its the best. He is growing up way too fast. I'm excited that he is, because he's been interacting a ton more with us which is fun, but I look back and even in two months, he's not the same baby anymore. He just keeps getting better and better. and more and more winey too. But thats okay. :)

I get to go have a girls night tonight and I am overly excited I think. I hope it turns out to be fun. Derek told Spencer this morning to enjoy the girl time. Since everyone will be a girl except him. lol! Ashley had girls, Shayna had a girl. and then there's him. When he's older he's going to love it though. Red Robin here I a couple of hours. Sweeeet!

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