Sunday, July 31, 2011
Why my blog is having so many problems I have no idea. Sorry for all the changes. lol Trying to figure out why my background keeps changing on me, without me doing it!!
End of today.

Well we made it. Made it through another week and on to the next week. On our way to church today, Derek and I were talking about how many weeks we have left till we move and we discovered that this next Sunday will be our last week! CRAZY! That means when we go home monday from house sitting, we will only have 18 days till we are out of our apartment! I am so excited i can't even stand it!! I am not particularly looking forward to all the moving and boxes though but seriously it is worth it!
I can't wait for my parents to get home tomorrow. I know its sounds kiddish but I totally miss them. Me and Derek have been cleaning the house so its all nice for them to come home to and we are being naughty and leaving fun little things for my family to find. Hidden messages you could say. It will be bomb! We go home tomorrow and i think I may start packing. I know we'll still have a couple weeks but i am so excited I can't wait. I know that I keep bringing it up, but when you get to live next to your mom, it makes life a lot better! :) I better learn a lot from her while I can! And another plus, they have the seasons of Psych which along with Rootbeer is my new addiction. Such a great life I live. ha
I love my little boy. He is adorable and loving and I seriously am so blessed to have such a cute son. I have been thinking lately on how we want to raise him and its scary because any wrong move and it could have a serious consequence...So I need to figure as much of it out now as I can. I hope I can be a good mom for him. We've had a little bit of a rough start, but as he's growing up it has started getting easier and I have less moments where I am frustrated and have to put him down for a little bit. So I know that this stage of newborn-ness is slowly coming to an end. I am happy to see what he looks like as a little boy and what qualities and traits he picks up on. He is going to be a handsome boy.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Snowflake and everything else.

Such a happy little boy. I love him so much! :) I can't believe how big he is getting!!
Well we went to Snowflake yesterday! We had such a good time. Just a day trip definitely was not long enough...because I was exhausted!! being up for 24 hours was such an adventure, but if I'm going to have any sanity being a mom then I decided I need more sleep than that. haha Spencer got to enjoy his first rain fall and it was in the nice weather! I loved getting to spend time with the (almost) whole family. Grandma was so sweet to us and treated us like royalty as usual. lol We played our famous 3 to 13 since thats one of the only games I remember how to play! Then the slap happy set in and it was an event to remember. I'm not sure if I was even that funny, but I pretty much thought I was hilarious. :)
The ride home was long and dark, but we had some fun conversations that passed the time quickly!! It was a much needed trip just to get out of here for a little while. We love grandma and grandpa and hope that little Funk will feel the same way.
Now on to today, I slept in as long as I could, but Spencer doesn't seem to want to sleep. So I get to be up watching him cry and laugh and do all the other things that 11 Week olds (almost 12 weeks tomorrow) do. He is so sweet when he's happy. I honestly could watch him all day long. He just hit the stage where he gets so tired but wont let himself sleep. Its like he is trying not to miss anything. Its hard to think, last week with the Postpartum depression that hit, I didn't want to take care of him. I can't believe how scary it can be when you are willing to tell your child that you don't love him or have unkind thoughts towards him. But now I look at him since that has passed and realize that I never ever would want anything to happen to him. He is such a blessing to Derek and me. I am so glad to be the happy me again. Sorry derek for putting you through that. Husbands put up with a lot, but then again, so do wives. :)
Mothers are insane and I can now say that I have crossed over to that territory. haha I sit every morning talking to Lil funk and wait for him to smile and do cute things so I can catch it on camera. Yes, this means I get about a thousand pictures a day of the same exact things but I am so glad that I am doing it too. Because I get some dang cute pics to look at whenever I want. :)
I'm not so sure if a blog is a good idea, since I tend to be on the random side of things, so it may be hard to follow my thoughts but I actually enjoy blogging. I thought people were INSANE for keeping these things up to date, but its actually kind of fun and addicting!
Well off to be a mom again. hopefully I get some swimming in today or at least before the parents get in on monday. I love the pool!!
Friday, July 29, 2011
What a life!
Well I finally caved...I made a blog. I'm not sure why I did because I already don't have much time to do anything, but I figure i'll consider this my journal for the time being. Word to the wise, anything I say on here I mean to say. I'm not asking for anyone's opinions unless I ask for it. I want to be able to speak my mind and not be judged or anything. They are my feelings and opinions. Its what makes me, me.
This week we have been house sitting for my parents. It has made me realize how nice it will be to have our own house one day. Me and Derek have been talking and when we go back to our apartment, it no longer feels like home. (which i say is a good thing) I know that when we do go to buy a house we will know based off of our feelings which one is right for us. For the time being. I can't wait to move in behind my parents. It will be so much fun. I think it will be a great place for Spencer to grow up! Love it. Well seeing as it is very late at night I had better get to bed. We're going to SNOWFLAKE in the morning. I'm seriously so excited. To all those reading, my future posts will be way more exciting. lol
Seeing as it is monsoon season i find this quote appropriate, "Its not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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