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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dream job

So sorry for taking so long to do the next post! Life keeps getting in the way if you know what I mean! Proud to say we are finally almost done unpacking! It's taken a long time, but just a couple more boxes to go through and some pictures to hang! Just in time for baby girl to arrive. Which just a heads up, could be within the next two weeks! Sounds crazy right?? Yeah I'm in shock over it!!

Okay well today's post is about my dream job. If you were to ask me what my dream job was 4 or 5 years ago, I would say hands down a receptionist at a health place like physical therapy or a dr office. But after doing that for over a year, I realized actually doing the physical therapy was much more fun than all the paperwork... But that isn't the same dream that I have now after becoming a mom, of almost two kids! Crazy. So I decided that I would love to be able to have basically any job that would allow me to be home all day with my loves. What I really want is a computer job that I never would have to do phone calls with. One that was flexible, but still good paying. I don't do well with having lots of papers all over and with kids it's hard to do too much more, but I know that my duty and what I want to be doing is raising and nurturing my kids first, with making money part time on the side! I just know that I would love to help Derek not have to stress about finances so much, with him starting asu in a few months. But even if I never find anything like that, I know that I am able to live my ultimate dream job of being the person my kids call mom. Nothing beats that... Now if only my almost two year old would actually say "mom" things would be different. Lol One day he'll decide he wants to talk. Haha!

Up next: what are 5 passions I have. This one may be a toughy! Ha